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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data and Business Leadership

Creating Value with Employee Experience Data

The Great Resignation is still raging, and companies will need to better use employee experience data if they intend to draw in -- and retain -- talent.

Who Is Responsible for an Organization’s FAIR Data?

When businesses and their leadership prioritize FAIR data principles, effective and compliant data usage and analysis becomes a collaborative effort across the enterprise.

Data Digest: Training and Keeping Tech Talent

The effects of tech training programs, trends in eLearning, and tips for creating a culture where employees want to stay.

Assessing Your Cybersecurity Risk: Why, What, How?

A risk assessment can reveal unique vulnerabilities that could impact your company. Here are the basics you need to know.

Data Digest: Looking Forward and Backward

Predictions for data management improvements, possible regulations and lawsuits about new AI technologies, and the worst tech failures of last year.

Preparing Your Organization for a Move to the Cloud

Moving to the cloud can be simplified when you build based on clean, accurate, and aggregated data. The three steps here are directed at healthcare providers, but the principles are equally applicable to enterprises in other fields.

Data Digest: Leadership, Infrastructure, and Modern Analytics

Growing interest in sustainability, why business leaders need to appreciate IT, and how analytics is moving into more sports.

Before You Move Data to the Cloud, Know This About Tools and Visibility

To support business growth and manage workload infrastructures, you must have detailed insight into your on-premises applications before you make a move to the cloud.

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