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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data and Business Leadership

How Replatforming to a Cloud Data Warehouse Could End Your Career

Examining three replatforming misconceptions and learning how to overcome them may save you from a resume-generating event.

Data Digest: Enterprise Machine Learning, AI Myths, Data Governance Strategies

Business applications and strategies for adopting machine learning, understanding AI, and implementing data governance.

The Evolution of Financial Services CDOs

From guardians of risk and compliance, chief data officers are evolving into key roles in business decision making focused on strategy and innovation.

Choosing an Organizational Structure for Your AI Team

There's more than one way to staff an AI project depending on your situation. Here's how to find the one that will work best for you.

Four Steps to a Successful Digital Transformation

You've decided to move aggressively to the cloud. What's the most effective way to successfully make that transition?

CFOs Look to Automation and Data Analytics for Digital Transformation, Survey Finds

Leaders of financial departments express enthusiasm for AI, ML, and other technologies but implementation faces some hurdles.

Governance Is About Trust, Not Just Regulatory Adherence

Improve governance and trust in the data with data catalogs, glossaries, and metadata repositories.

Data Digest: Data Governance and Data Leadership

The business value of data governance, hiring a CDO, and choosing the right data science leaders.

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