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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Kickfire Targets Underserved Users in Crowded Analytic Database Market

Analytic appliance specialist Kickfire seems happy to play in the sub-6 TB arena. It's where most of the new projects are sprouting, officials argue.

Syncsort Advances Data Integration with DMExpress 6

Update helps organizations unlock business value from data to improve decision making

Prelytis LiveDashBoard 4Team Offers Free, Collaborative Business Intelligence Cloud Solution

Unlimited users can create, share business management indicators

Datawatch Announces Monarch Data Pump Version 10.5 Professional Edition

Enterprise-class BI solution offers improved data ETL, integration, and compliance

Philip Russom

Three Altruistic Goals for Data Integration

These three goals can help DI specialists (and the people who work closely with them) stay focused on the noblest purposes and greatest value propositions of DI

Big Box Teradata Takes an Outside-the-Box Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse

The Teradata of today has an unconventional take on database appliances, in-database analytics, DW virtualization, and data quality, company officials claim.

Making the Case for Agile Business Intelligence

A new report from Forrester Research makes the case for BI agility. The bottom line: business intelligence can -- and must -- become more responsive.

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