Prelytis LiveDashBoard 4Team Offers Free, Collaborative Business Intelligence Cloud Solution

Unlimited users can create, share business management indicators

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Prelytis has released LiveDashBoard 4Team, a free, collaborative business intelligence cloud-based solution.

Providing users the ability to create and share their business management indicators, LiveDashBoard 4Team supports an unlimited number of users at no cost. It provides direct access to dashboards on mobile devices with full compatibility with iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, and Google Android devices

Registration is available at; data uploads are performed directly via Excel files.

There is no local software installation, no servers to configure, no scripts to create, and no development required. (LiveDashBoard is available in Business License mode for onsite installations.) This collaborative working tool allows users to share comments for each dashboard in a “micro-blog” format, resembling Twitter.

Users have access to tutorials, including videos, to help them create their initial dashboards and indicators.

Users may subscribe to several options such as training, technical support, data storing, and protection, data capacity expansion, admin rights management for their datamarts, and automated data uploads/downloads.

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