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Designing and Deploying Effective Architectures for End-User Analytics

Webinar Speaker: Philip Russom, Senior Research Director for Data Management

Date: Thursday, July 30, 2020

Time: 9:00 a.m. PT, 12:00 p.m. ET

Webinar Abstract

Data architectures are being driven into greater complexity by a number of trends:

  • The range of data sources, structures, and latencies continues to broaden as users integrate and analyze data from traditional sources as well as new ones such as web applications, social media, customer channels, partners, and machine data from sensors, devices, vehicles, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • The range of business use cases is exploding as managers demand real-time data for operational decisions and massive volumes of detailed source data in support of multiple forms of advanced analytics.
  • Many new and compelling data platforms and data management tools have emerged in recent years (from vendor and open-source communities), and most organizations are eager to modernize their data-driven IT solutions to take advantage of these.

It is often impossible to satisfy the storage, processing, and presentation requirements for the diverse data types and use cases with a single data platform or toolset. For example, TDWI regularly interviews users with data warehouses and data lakes deployed across older databases on premises, new databases on the cloud, bare metal cloud storage, Hadoop, and various file systems. Likewise, they have data management toolsets for integration, quality, metadata, catalogs, real-time streams, and more. It’s not just warehouses; equally complex data environments are seen in marketing, supply chain, financials, and many forms of business operations across industries.

The challenge in taming these multiplatform systems is to design and deploy the complex systems and data architectures that result in ways that ensure reasonable maintenance and optimization—plus make the chaos appear as integrated and unified as possible, for the sake of successful end-user analytics and other high-priority use cases.

This webinar will briefly canvas the trends that are driving up the complexity of data architecture, then present guidelines for designing and deploying effective architectures that satisfy the long list of business and technical requirements typical of today’s data.

Webinar attendees will learn:

  • Trends in data architectures, especially those for analytics
  • How data requirements vary across use cases in analytics and operations
  • The role of cloud in new data architectures for advanced analytics
  • How vendor tools and platforms enable cloud and hybrid architectures
  • Best practices in data architecture design, deployment, and maintenance

Philip Russom, Ph.D.

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