Meighan Berberich, President, TDWI.

Leading Mission-Critical Analytics Teams and Programs

By Meighan Berberich, President, TDWI

Analytics and data science have moved to the forefront of business decision making. The size and scope of the organizations and the complexity of tools and technologies that support these mission critical initiatives only continues to grow. It is critical for analytic leaders to maintain focus on the key factors that drive success of their analytics teams and deployments.

TDWI Accelerate will not only provide analytics leaders with insight on what’s new (and what’s next) in advanced analytics, but also on the factors beyond technology that are instrumental to driving business value with data.


Posted on July 21, 20170 comments

Some People Call Me the Data Wrangler, Some Call Me the Gangster of Prep

By Meighan Berberich, President, TDWI

Data prep. Wonderful, terrible data prep. According to John Akred of Silicon Valley Data Science, “it’s a law of nature that 80% of data science” is data prep. Although our surveys average closer to 60%, even that’s an awful lot of time to spend not analyzing data, interpreting results, and delivering business value—the real purpose of data science.


Posted on July 19, 20170 comments

Learn the Most Valuable Visualization Skills From Industry’s Best

By Meighan Berberich, President, TDWI

Communication—the process by which information is exchanged between individuals. In the analytics field, we like to call it “data visualization,” but it’s really just a particular form of communication. There’s nothing special about that. Even bacteria can communicate with each other. So why can it be so difficult for data professionals to get their meaning across?


Posted on July 17, 20170 comments