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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Contributor: Steve Swoyer

Stephen Swoyer is a technology writer with more than 16 years of experience. His writing has focused on business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics for almost a decade. He’s particularly intrigued by the thorny people and process problems most BI and DW vendors almost never want to acknowledge, let alone talk about.


All articles by Steve Swoyer

Netezza Says Netezza Performance Server R4 Doubles Query Performance

NPS R4 enhances query performance on existing NPS hardware—at no additional cost, Netezza officials claim

Unstructured Data: Attacking a Myth

Contrary to claims and predictions, the amount and growth of unstructured data may be vastly overstated.

On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Intelligence Search

Can search deliver on the promise of ubiquitous BI? Maybe. As with any highly hyped technology, however, a few myths first need to be busted.

In Praise of Data Modeling

Data modeling, that once sleepy demesne of data warehouse architects and hot-shot business intelligence (BI) analysts, has become quite popular.

Enterprise-wide Data Quality: A Work in Progress

In addition to customer data, companies want to bring arrant product and financial data to heel, too. Call it a data-quality-work-in-progress.

Razorsight: Learning to Love the Paper Trail Once Again?

IBM tapped SaaS specialist Razorsight to help it transition to a mostly paperless infrastructure and deal with the paper remnants it just couldn’t eradicate.

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