TDWI Articles

Big Data

What Kind of Chief Data Officer Is Right for You?

Before an organization hires a CDO -- as more than 1,000 organizations did in 2015 -- it must take stock of how it generates and uses data.

Taming the Wild Profusion of Data Sources

New solution Tamr learns over time; it's an intelligent midwife for data source and information discovery.

Data Digest: Using Big Data for Good, 5 Practical Steps for Becoming a Data Scientist, and Analytics Complexity

Does big data invade personal privacy? Explore how big data can be used for good. Plus, five practical steps to get started as a data scientist, plus turning data into insight by overcoming top data challenges.

Data Digest: Mixing Big Data and in the Cloud; Understanding Unstructured Data; Getting Value from Big Data

How to overcome 6 common challenges when implementing big data in the cloud, plus how to mind unstructured data and how to find value and overcome challenges when using big data.

In Praise of Elasticity

Get ready for the elastic data warehouse -- which is what, exactly?

Data Digest: More Efficient Data Science, Data Science Don'ts, and Big vs. Smart Data

The primary skills you need in data science, plus 10 traits of a good data scientist, and separating big data from smart data.

Data Digest: Focus on Big Data

Balancing evidence and judgment in big data, preventing discrimination in your big data work, and the 4th big data "V": value.

Amazon and Cloudera Make Big Moves

The performances of Amazon and Cloudera stand out from the pack in Gartner's new data warehousing Magic Quadrant. Both are oh-so-close to breaking through into leadership roles.

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