TDWI Articles

Data Digest: More Efficient Data Science, Data Science Don'ts, and Big vs. Smart Data

The primary skills you need in data science, plus 10 traits of a good data scientist, and separating big data from smart data.

Developing Skills for More Efficient Data Science

Becoming a data scientist requires a large array of skills, but determining which skills are the most important may depend on who you ask. This article summarizes multiple sources to attempt to determine the primary skills needed in the data science field.


Data Scientist Don'ts

The popularity of data science has prompted lots of people to get jobs as data scientists. Because the role is often poorly defined, prospective employers of data scientists may run into trouble. This article explains 10 traits a good data scientist should never have.

Read more at Kdnuggets

The Difference Between Big Data and Smart Data

Although big data receives a lot of attention right now, you can classify data in more ways than simply big versus small. The author of this article makes a different divide: big data and smart data. He explains how they are different and how to stay focused on overall data strategy.

Read more at Techrepublic

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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