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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Mixing Big Data and in the Cloud; Understanding Unstructured Data; Getting Value from Big Data

How to overcome 6 common challenges when implementing big data in the cloud, plus how to mind unstructured data and how to find value and overcome challenges when using big data.

Making the Cloud and Big Data Mix

Moving to the cloud comes with plenty of opportunity, but it also comes with a steep learning curve. This article explores how to overcome six common challenges your enterprise may face when trying to implement big data processing in the cloud.

Read more at The Next Web

Understanding Unstructured Data

Structured data is easy to mine efficiently, but gleaning insights from unstructured data is often a challenge. With so many potential data sources providing unstructured data, the ability to analyze such data is important for your enterprise. This article introduces the basic principles for mining unstructured data and links to more in-depth information.


Getting Value from Big Data

At the end of the day, the whole point of big data is the value the enterprise may gain from it. This interview with an expert on data integration covers ways to find value and overcome challenges when using big data.

Read more at Information Management

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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