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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Unverified Data, Data Lakes, and Improving Data Analytics

Articles examine current causes and solutions of univerified data, using distributed data lakes, and how to improve data analytics with a converged infrastructure.

Unverified Data Could Cost You Millions

Just last year, financial enterprises paid billions of dollars in government fines due to incorrect or incomplete data. This article details the current causes of unverified data and explains how to make sure your big data project won’t fail due to poor quality data.

Read more at Information Management

Data Lakes for Data Democratization

Preparing and working with big data is too large a job for any one person in the enterprise to handle effectively. This article discusses one possible shift for democratizing data: using distributed data lakes.

Read more at Techrepublic

Converged Infrastructure One Way to Improve Data Analytics

The last article discussed the use of distributed data lakes to handle the flood of big data. As another tactic, this article explains why a converged infrastructure may optimize your results from big data analytics.

Read more at Windowsitpro

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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