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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Keeping Your Data Lake Clean, Hit the Ground Running with IoT, and New IoT Standards

How to clean your data lake for the best analytics, understanding what you're getting into with IoT, and old rivals unite to set new IoT standards.

Best Practices for Cleaning Your Data Lake

The data lake, like many things in life, puts out only what you put in. If you do not set a high level of standards for what goes in to your data lake or fail to prepare your data well, you will not be getting much out of a data lake. This article goes in-depth on "cleaning" your data lake for the best analytics results.

Read More at Kdnuggets

How to Prepare for Effective IoT Use

The IoT is getting plenty of hype, and rightly so. Many enterprises see investment in the field as their next step, but how many of them know what they are getting into? This article covers how to make sure your enterprise will hit the ground running when it picks up the IoT.

Read More at Data Center Knowledge

New IoT Standards Set By Major Enterprises

The IoT is still extremely young. Some standardization is necessary for it so everything can talk to each other. That is why two former-rival IoT standard-setters have come together to form the OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) in the pursuit of making IoT standards consistent across the board.

Read More at Computer World

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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