TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Access and Hacking, Finding the Right Agile Method, and Using Competitive Intelligence

Why major security breaches happened and how to stop them in your own enterprise, plus finding the right agile method and using competitive intelligence to stay afloat.

Stop Privileged Access, Stop Getting Hacked
(Source: Information Age)

The major security breaches of last year all had one thing in common: they were done by someone on the inside. Preventing this type of hack is an important security goal for your enterprise. This article runs down why these hacks happened and how to stop them.


Going Agile? Find the Right Method
(Source: Information Week)

Being “agile” is no longer that rare and for good reason. It is a great design philosophy when used correctly. However, just because you go agile does not mean you have a complete plan. This article reviews the two major agile methods and the pros and cons of each.


Use Competitive Intelligence to Stay Afloat
(Source: I Crunch Data News)

The business world is fast and mean. Making sure your enterprise can outlast others is difficult if you have no information about them. This article recommends looking into competitive intelligence, which is business intelligence collected on other enterprises, to rise above the competition in the modern age.

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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