March 14, 2022
As organizations shift more computing and data management to the cloud, many struggle to control and manage costs.
Many organizations are migrating to multiple cloud platforms, each offering different combinations of options and features (and costs). It is hard for an organization to know whether it is getting the best price or value.
Business-driven cloud computing costs are hardly constant, with sometimes-unanticipated peaks and valleys making it more challenging to estimate future capacity and consumption requirements. Without dependable insights into cost trends, financial managers face painful decisions about whether to halt expansion into the cloud—decisions that have major repercussions for business-critical operations, IT investment strategies, and data science initiatives.
To effectively manage costs, properly understand usage, and accurately forecast future needs, organizations of all sizes require comprehensive and analytics-infused cloud cost management.
This TDWI Checklist Report examines how your enterprise can develop an effective and sustainable cloud cost management program aligned with business performance.