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May 28th 2015: Innovation, Design and The New Data Landscape

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Dear Toronto and GTA BI/DW and Analytics Professionals,
We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI Toronto and GTA Chapter meeting on May 28, 2015.  Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Our speakers will be DW/BI end-users reporting on their success and lessons learned implementing various BI tools or projects. Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.



Thursday, May 28, 2015
8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.


CBC Broadcasting Centre
250 Front Street West, Ground Floor
(Enter via Front Street or Wellington Street)
Toronto, ON


“Innovation, Design and The New Data Landscape”, By Donald Farmer, Vice President of Product Management, Qlik 

For everyone working in the world of data management and analysis, the ground is moving under our feet! Big data, advanced analytics, mobile-first, internet of things … every new buzz word brings opportunities and challenges.
In this session we will take a long term view of how you can develop innovation and design strategies which enable you to take advantage of the latest data and analytic technologies without being swamped in complexity.
For CIOs, BI strategists and system administrators alike, this should be a valuable session.

Click here to register for the next upcoming event


8:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Arrivals and Networking (cold continental breakfast will be served)

9:00– 9:15 a.m.

Opening remarks, Introductions

 9:15 – 10:00 a.m.

Part One  - Innovation, Design and The New Data Landscape, by Donald Farmer, Vice President of Product Management, Qlik 


Business Discovery - If you have been reading the analyst reports about business intelligence and analytics, you will know that the word "discovery" is being used every day. But what do we mean by data discovery or business discovery? Who is discovering? What are they finding? How are they doing it? And why is it suddenly so important. In this session, Donald Farmer, will explain all ... the history, the current best practices and the exciting future of discovery tools.

10:00 – 10:15 a.m.


10:15 - 11:30 a.m.

Part Two - Innovation, Design and The New Data Landscape, by Donald Farmer, Vice President of Product Management, Qlik 
The Analytic Organization - So your organization has decided to invest in analytics. That's great, but how can you ensure you are not just throwing money away on the latest trend? Donald Farmer, who has worked with customers, partners and vendors of all sizes and in many industries, will share some advice on how to build an "analytic organization." How do you structure your team to take advantage of the latest technologies? How do you ensure information is shared effectively and securely without "data hoarding?" How can analytics change your decision making? This should be a useful session not only for technical developers or system administrators, but for anyone interested in the impact of analytics on modern organizations.

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Q&A, Closing Comments & Wrap-Up

Click here to register for the next upcoming event


Space is limited so sign up early!

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Bio of Presenter

Donald Farmer
Vice President of Innovation and Design at Qlik, the leading vendor the leading vendor in user-driven analysis and business intelligence.  Donald is an internationally respected speaker and writer, with 30 years of experience in data management and analytics. He has worked in companies ranging from startups to Microsoft, and has applied his knowledge in fields as diverse as archaeology and fish-farming.

Upcoming Meetings – September 24, 2015


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 Thanks in advance,
The Toronto Chapter Executive Team

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