LEANalytics is a framework, for agile delivery principles and techniques May 19, 2016

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Dear Toronto/GTA Chapter BI/DW and Analytics Professionals,
We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI Toronto/GTA Chapter meeting on  May 19, 2016. Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Our speakers will be DW/BI end-users reporting on their success and lessons learned implementing various BI tools or projects.

Download presentation now. Deloitte_LEANalytics_TDWI_20160519_Share.pdf

Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.


May 19, 2016, 8:30 am – 12 Noon



CBC Broadcasting Centre
250 Front Street West, Ground Floor
(Enter via Front Street or Wellington Street)
Toronto, ON


  1. LEANalytics is a framework, for agile delivery principles and techniques
  2. Using Advanced Analytics for Optimal Assortment in Retail
    By: Rick Makos President and CEO, Angoss

    Rick will discuss the Canadian Retail Landscape, and provide details of how retailers can bond with their customers through a case study with a major retail client in the Canadian Retail vertical. Rick will describe how many advanced Analytic techniques in attempting to model optimal assortment and provide insights into conducting predictive modelling consumer behaviour.

    Rick Makos: President of Angoss Software Corporation As President of Angoss Software, Rick Makos has day to day responsibility for the overall Angoss business global basis. This role encompasses accountability for sales, marketing, the management of professional services customer support and R&D. Rick Makos has over 30 years of high-tech industry experience in sales, marketing and consulting. He has worked in Canada, the United States, and Asia, leading divisions within large multi-national corporations, and managing pre-IPO organizations. As a consultant, Rick has worked with many major companies on enterprise implementations of Data Warehousing, Customer Management and Advanced Analytical Solutions. Some these clients include US Patent & Trade Mark Office, Royal Bank of Canada, TD Bank, Bank of America, McCain Foods, Rogers Communications, Bell Canada and Bristol-Myers. His most recent positions included St President of Teradata Canada, President & CEO of Infrastructures for Information (I4I), and Chief Operating Officer of OnX Incorporated. Prior to these assignments, Makos was Vice- President of NCR Canada’s Financial Solutions Division. He has a B.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto, and is based in Angoss’ Canadian head office in downtown Toronto, Ontario.

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8:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Networking and Registration

9:00– 9:15 a.m.

Introductions and Chapter Business

 9:15 – 10:00 a.m.

Presentation: LEANalytics is a framework, for agile delivery principles and techniques By: Brian Cowhig & Snehal Patel


Many organizations are being asked to aggressively reduce the time to deliver business value in an uncertain context of fast-changing priorities. In no area is this truer than with analytics.  Analytics, and the answering of business questions in general, requires a methodology that is fast, flexible, and value-driven – and that’s where LEANalytics comes in.
LEANalytics is a framework, based on Deloitte’s core LEAN and agile delivery principles and techniques, specifically designed to accelerate and enhance the business value delivered through analytics, BI and reporting projects. The application of the LEANalytics approach has enabled our clients to progress from ideation to business value through an iterative approach that accelerates time to value, flexibly accommodates change, and transforms business/technology collaboration.  During this presentation, we will show you how this approach can help organizations deliver their analytics projects more effectively, with increased agility, flexibility, and reduced risk.

10:00 – 10:15 a.m.

Break and Networking

10:15 - 11:30 a.m.

Using Advanced Analytics for Optimal Assortment in Retail
By: Rick Makos President and CEO, Angoss

Rick will discuss the Canadian Retail Landscape, and provide details of how retailers can bond with their customers through a case study with a major retail client in the Canadian Retail vertical. Rick will describe how many advanced Analytic techniques in attempting to model optimal assortment and provide insights into conducting predictive modelling consumer behaviour.

Rick Makos: President of Angoss Software Corporation As President of Angoss Software, Rick Makos has day to day responsibility for the overall Angoss business global basis. This role encompasses accountability for sales, marketing, the management of professional services customer support and R&D. Rick Makos has over 30 years of high-tech industry experience in sales, marketing and consulting. He has worked in Canada, the United States, and Asia, leading divisions within large multi-national corporations, and managing pre-IPO organizations. As a consultant, Rick has worked with many major companies on enterprise implementations of Data Warehousing, Customer Management and Advanced Analytical Solutions. Some these clients include US Patent & Trade Mark Office, Royal Bank of Canada, TD Bank, Bank of America, McCain Foods, Rogers Communications, Bell Canada and Bristol-Myers. His most recent positions included St President of Teradata Canada, President & CEO of Infrastructures for Information (I4I), and Chief Operating Officer of OnX Incorporated. Prior to these assignments, Makos was Vice- President of NCR Canada’s Financial Solutions Division. He has a B.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto, and is based in Angoss’ Canadian head office in downtown Toronto, Ontario.


11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Q&A and Wrap-up

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Space is limited so sign up early!

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Bios of Presenters

Snehal Patel:
Snehal is a manager with Deloitte’s Information Management & Analytics Technology Consulting practice specializing in Big Data, Analytics, and Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing technologies. His primary focus is on helping clients unlock the full potential of their enterprise data and use it as an asset to reduce costs, mitigate risk, and drive profitability. Snehal has led a number of advisory as well as delivery engagements to transform large organizations to better use their data to meet their strategic needs. Furthermore, Snehal has experience in multiple delivery approaches, including traditional waterfall as well as Lean/Agile. He is a passionate advocate of Lean/Agile for BIDW/analytics and has developed and pioneered the use of Lean/Agile methodology specifically catered for BIDW/analytics projects.
Brian Cowhig:  
Brian is a senior consultant in Deloitte’s Information Management & Analytics Technology practice, and a BI specialist in Oracle and Microsoft technologies.  Brian has over 12 years of BI experience, including data architecting, data modeling, multi-dimensional data store development, and report and dashboard building.  Brian’s Agile BI development experience includes a project at a large bank that involved creating a data mart, from concept to completed product (including reports and daily ETL), in 3 months (and 3 sprints) with 2 developers.

Upcoming Meetings


NEXT upcoming meeting September 2016
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