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Nov. 16th,2018, TDWI South Florida Chapter Meeting featuring Dan Linstedt.

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Dear South Florida BI/DW and Analytics Professionals,
We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI South Florida Chapter meeting on Friday, Nov. 16th, 2018. Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Our main speaker, Dan Linstedt is a renowned speaker who has over 15 years’ experience in data warehousing. In addition, we will have Becky McNeeley, a speaker with a local Kanban story.  Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.


Friday, Nov. 16th, 2018
8:30 AM – 12: PM




Topic: How Data Vault Methodology provides major benefits to build and maintain an Agile Data Warehouse
We will talk about the benefits of Data Vault 2.0 solution.  Specifically, we will focus in on the automation aspects of the methodology.  The Data Vault 2.0 system of business intelligence is geared to be repeatable, automatable, consistent, and well-defined (mature).  It is precisely because of these aspects that we can leverage automation tooling to achieve goals faster.  The real power is often overlooked, and that is the ability to move the people on the team towards agile ways of working.  Technology is only as good as the standards, and the consistency of the approach that the people apply.   Data Vault 2.0 solution outlines the necessary components for the team to follow in their methods of working so that they can achieve more in a shorter time frame with better quality.

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8:30 – 9:00

Free Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:00 – 9:05

TDWI South Florida Chapter Board Welcome

9:05 – 9:10

Welcome from our Host

9:10 – 9:20

Meet our Sponsors

9:20 – 10:20

Presentation: Dan Linstedt - How Data Vault Methodology provides major benefits to build and maintain an Agile Data Warehouse

10:20 – 10:35

Break and Networking

10:35 – 11:50

Presentation:  Becky McNeeley - Success story at Ultimate Software that took advantage of both Data Vault and Kanban Methodologies

11:50 – 12:00

Raffle and Closing Updates

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Space is limited so sign up early!

To become a member at a 10% discount, please click here and use priority code sflacpt1. For more information about TDWI Membership, contact [email protected]. To contact a Chapter officer, click on name of the officer located on the top right hand column of this page.

Bios of Presenters

Dan Linstedt - the creator of the Data Vault Model and Methodology and the Data Vault 2.0 Architecture. He is also the author of the Amazon #1 Best Sellers Super Charge Your Data Warehouse and Building a Scalable Data Warehouse Using Data Vault 2.0.
He is a serial entrepreneur with multiple successful startups in the technology automation and technology education space and has been a thought leader and influencer in the Business Intelligence segment for over 2 decades.  The father of Data Warehousing, Bill Inmon has called the Data Vault the optimal model for the DW 2.0 framework. Other thought leaders in the industry have praised it too and it has been consistently proving itself with customers and consultants with success after success in almost every vertical including defense, banking, insurance, retail, high tech and even transportation.


Becky McNeeley is a Director of Software Engineering at Ultimate Software. Becky was the manager of the data warehouse team at Ultimate when the Near-Real time data warehouse in the cloud. Becky has been a Kanban instructor for a number of years at Ultimate.


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