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September 15th, 2015: Big Data Isn’t BI

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Dear Boston Area BI/DW and Analytics Professionals,
We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI Boston Chapter meeting on September 15, 2015. Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Our featured speaker Mark Madsen will explain why big data is not BI and vice versa, and we will discuss what it takes to deploy and maintain analytics models. Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 12noon – 4:30pm




Boston Children’s Hospital - Waltham
Deveber Conference Room
9 Hope Avenue
Waltham, MA, 02453
“Big Data Isn’t BI And Vice Versa” by Mark Madsen, Third Nature
“Deploying & Maintaining Analytical Models” by Jens Meyer, First Marblehead

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Registration, Light Lunch & Peer Networking

12:45pm – 1pm

Opening Remarks

 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Presentation: "Big Data Isn’t BI And Vice Versa” by Mark Madsen, Third Nature


Big data is hyped, but isn't hype. There are definite technical, process and business differences in the big data market when compared to BI and data warehousing, but they are often poorly understood or explained. BI isn't big data, and big data isn't BI. By distilling the technical and process realities of big data systems and projects we can separate fact from fiction. This session examines the underlying assumptions and abstractions we use in the BI and DW world, the abstractions that evolved in the big data world, and how they are different. Armed with this knowledge, you will be better able to make design and architecture decisions. The session is sometimes conceptual, sometimes detailed technical explorations of data, processing and technology, but promises to be entertaining regardless of the level.
Yes, it’s about the data normally called “big”, but it’s not Hadoop for the database crowd, despite the prominent role Hadoop plays. The session will be technical, but in a technology preview/overview fashion. I won’t be teaching you to write MapReduce jobs or anything of the sort.
The first part will be an overview of the types, formats and structures of data that aren’t normally in the data warehouse realm. The second part will cover some of the basic technology components, vendors and architecture.
The goal is to provide an overview of the extent of data available and some of the nuances or challenges in processing it, coupled with some examples of tools or vendors that may be a starting point if you are building in a particular area.

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Networking Break

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Presentation:  “Deploying & Maintaining Analytical Models” by Jens Meyer, First Marblehead


Everybody talks about predictive models and reads about insightful results from building advanced analytics models on small and big data. But once you build a model, how do you ensure continuing usability of the model? How will your model adapt to a changing environment?
This presentation will illustrate a typical data model life cycle and will touch on the operational, technical, and analytics subject matter expertise required to successfully utilize analytics models. Examples and case studies of multiple model implementations will build best practices and lessons learned.
You Will Learn:

  • Utilizing analytics models successfully requires a life cycle approach
  • Subject matter expertise (operational, technical, analytical) is a critical component of analytics
  • Best practices (and how we learned them the hard way)

4:00pm – 4:30pm

Raffle & Wrap-up

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Space is limited so sign up early!

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To contact a Chapter officer, click on name of the officer located on the top right hand column of this page.

Bios of Presenters

Mark Madsen
Mark Madsen is president of Third Nature, a technology consulting and market research firm focused on business intelligence, data integration, and data management. Mark is an award-winning architect and former CTO whose work has been featured in numerous industry publications. He is a principal author of Clickstream Data Warehousing (John Wiley & Sons, 2002) and frequently speaks at conferences and writes about business intelligence and emerging technology.
Jens Meyer
Jens Meyer is a Managing Director in the Credit Risk, Data & Portfolio Management group at The First Marblehead Corporation. Jens has been with First Marblehead for over 10 years in progressively expanding roles in the areas of capital markets, finance, and credit risk and portfolio management. He leads a cross-functional team of business and IT personnel building and operating data-driven solutions for credit risk, portfolio, and collections management of private student loan portfolios. He is also a Certified Business Intelligence Professional and the president of the Boston chapter of TDWI..

Upcoming Meetings

December 3, 2015

Wayne Eckerson, The Eckerson Group


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