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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

Cloudera Cerner Case Study

Cloudera Cerner Case Study: Saving Lives with Big Data Analytics That Predict Patient Conditions

January 20, 2017

Download this white paper to learn how a healthcare IT company is using big data and analytics to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of healthcare delivery while improving patient outcomes.

Cloudera Enterprise Data cover

Cloudera Enterprise: The Industry Standard for a Complete Data-in-Motion Solution

January 20, 2017

Download this white paper to learn how your organization can benefit from Cloudera’s secure data-in-motion solution for the ingestion, processing, and serving of your data.

Zoomdata AWS white paper cover

Modern BI and the AWS Data Lake: Engaging Data to Unlock Valuable and Rapid Business Insight

January 19, 2017

Download this e-book to learn about the value of migrating to an AWS data lake and the rationale for a modern BI solution such as Zoomdata to drive analysis and visualize data.

Datameer Best Practices for Successful Big Data Journey cover

Best Practices for a Successful Big Data Journey

January 18, 2017

Download this white paper to learn how big data analytics can help your organization increase revenue, reduce operating costs, and avoid debilitating losses.

Datameer WP Top Five Use Cases thumbnail

Top Five High-Impact Use Cases for Big Data Analytics

January 18, 2017

Download this e-book to learn how to use big data to grow your business and gain a competitive edge.

Datameer WP Beyond BI thumbnail

Beyond BI: What Is a Big Data Analytics Problem?

January 18, 2017

Download this e-book for a clear understanding of the value big data analytics offers over traditional business intelligence.

Anodot WP P1 Building ML Anomaly cover

Building a Large Scale, Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection System - Part 1: Design Principles

January 17, 2017

This white paper, part one in a three-part series, covers the design principles of creating an anomaly detection system. It explores various types of machine learning techniques, along with the main design principles that affect how that learning takes place.

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