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Available On-Demand - This webinar has been recorded and is now available for download.

Bring Your Analytics Investments into the Cloud-Native World

Webinar Speaker: James Kobielus, Senior Research Director, Data Management

Date: Friday, June 25, 2021

Time: 9:00 a.m. PT, 12:00 p.m. ET

Cloud-native computing is transforming data and analytics applications. When they leverage cloud-native services and platforms, users of AI, advanced analytics, and other data-centric applications can build components as containerized microservices for distributed deployment across public, hybrid, and private cloud environments.

Join TDWI’s senior research director James Kobielus on this webinar to learn how to improve the reach, performance, and sophistication of enterprise AI, machine learning, and other data analytics applications by refactoring them as cloud-native, containerized microservices.

Attendees will explore the following best practices:

  • Migrate data analytics assets to cloud-native platforms
  • Refactor data analytics apps as containerized microservices
  • Reengineer data analytics pipelines for cloud-native orchestration
  • Optimize distributed deployment of cloud-native workloads
  • Centralize management of cloud-native data assets
  • Democratize development of cloud-native based data and analytics apps

James Kobielus

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