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Ask the Expert about the Role of Data Visualization on Data Validation
TDWI Members Only

TDWI Speaker: Andrew Cardno, Chief Technology Officer, VizExplorer

Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018

Time: 10:00 a.m. PT, 1:00 p.m. ET

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Data visualization has become a standard part of the business intelligence fair. It is now expected that a business intelligence team include a rich set of graphics in the tooling used across the business. In the real-time world, we are faced with the challenge of handling data streams directly from operational tools. This real-time data when presented visually tend to immediately skew to highlight outliers and exceptions in the data.

In this Ask the Expert webinar, Andrew will answer your questions about the additional challenges of visualization of data streams that potentially contain unexpected values. In handling unexpected values, we need to consider presentation methods that are able to handle exceptions while still allowing the operators to understand the core datasets. Questions can include forms of visualization that are suitable for operational tooling, the specialization in tooling that may be needed for practical use, how data visualization can be applied to data validation of both the operational streams and the opportunity for high-density advanced visualization in the operational tooling.

About Andrew

Andrew Cardno is an established thought leader in visual analytics, with over 21 years of experience in the field. Andrew has led private Ph.D. and master’s level research teams in visualization/development for over 15 years; this leadership won Andrew two Smithsonian Laureates and more than 12 innovation awards. He is an inventor in over 80 patent applications. He has published over 100 industry and academic articles and is co-author of two books from 2011 & 2017. In addition to providing expert consultation on high-performance databases and data visualization, as well as software services to casinos in California, Andrew is often asked to speak on the future of analytics at a variety of venues across the world. Andrew currently serves as the CTO of VizExplorer, where he is realizing his dream of providing software that allows anyone in any industry to create and act on advanced data visualizations based on massive amounts of correlated data. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Surveying from Otago University, New Zealand, and a diploma of computer science from Victoria University, New Zealand. Andrew lives in San Diego with his wife and four children.

This “Ask the Expert” webinar is for TDWI Members only. If you would like to become a member, please click here to join.

Andrew Cardno

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