Checklist Report

TDWI Checklist Report | Six Signs Your Organization Needs Embedded Analytics

February 5, 2021

In search of data insights that will make them more competitive, today’s organizations are embedding business intelligence (BI) and analytics in applications and business processes.

Embedding BI and analytics takes one analytics application and puts it into another application or process. This brings the results of analysis to decision makers—often at the point of decision—enabling them to take informed actions based on analytics.

An embedding strategy opens BI and analytics to users who do not have standalone, dedicated BI and analytics applications or services. It can enable organizations to make data insights more pervasive, actionable, and valuable. Demand for visualization and analytics in embedded apps is growing due to business demands to be more data driven.

This checklist discusses six prominent signs that your organization needs embedded BI and analytics and examines related success factors.


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