In today’s articles, read about a company with a different way of thinking about big data, 3 ethical principles for data science, and the pros and cons of self-service discovery tools.
- By Lindsay Stares
- July 15, 2016
IBI might not be the first vendor you'd associate with self-service; it's a 40-year-old company, after all. Surprisingly, self-service isn't anything new for the folks at Information Builders.
- By Steve Swoyer
- July 8, 2016
Despite the growing need for data quality, organizations are stuck facing the same problems using the same tools and techniques as years past.
- By Steve Swoyer
- June 27, 2016
Have analytics tools made it too easy for business users to think they can perform the role of a data scientist without the rigorous training needed to do the job right?
- By Fern Halper
- June 13, 2016
Storytelling seems like just another buzzword. If storytelling can actually benefit your enterprise, how can you empower your users to find the stories in the data?
- By James Richardson
- June 7, 2016
Learn how to use social media data to improve customer acquisition, why big data analytics is moving to the cloud, and why successful BI programs embrace self-service BI.
- By Quint Turner
- May 26, 2016
Microsoft’s decision to extend Power BI’s natural language search technology to on-premises data sources is good news for Power BI subscribers.
- By Steve Swoyer
- May 17, 2016
Datawatch's Monarch 13.3 release adds new analytical functions and algorithms. It also bundles new automated data loading capabilities, along with an Angoss export function.
- By Steve Swoyer
- May 16, 2016