TDWI Articles

IT and Enterprise Data Management

The Case for Smarter Data Integration

To support IoT and Industrial IoT use cases, data integration must become both more automated and more explicitly analytical. In other words, it needs to be smarter.

Graph Databases for Analytics (Part 4 of 4): Addressing Performance Challenges

Once you put graph databases into practice, you may find performance does not scale at large volumes. We explain how you can improve the performance of your graph applications.

Graph Databases for Analytics (Part 3 of 4): The Basics of Graph Structure and Analytics

If you have an application for graph databases, what does the graph structure actually look like? We go further in-depth into the parts of a graph database and the purposes of common graph analytics.

Graph Databases for Analytics (Part 2 of 4): Practical Applications

Is a graph database the solution to your business problem? In this article we'll explore the common characteristics of practical applications for graph databases.

Graph Databases for Analytics (Part 1 of 4): What’s So Great about Graphs?

What makes now the right time to learn about graph databases? When the connections between data elements are as important as the elements themselves, you need a new way to handle your data.

5 NoSQL Alternatives for Data Storage

Organizational needs are changing, and data professionals are rethinking what they really need from an analytics database. With a whole new group of leading NoSQL databases, there are alternatives for storing and managing data.

Tunable Consistency in Cassandra NoSQL

Tunable consistency is one of the many points of differentiation between SQL and NoSQL databases. This article explains this important parameter and the tunable consistency options Cassandra provides.

Top 5 Benefits for Embedding Analytics into Cloud Applications

With cloud applications becoming the de facto standard delivery model, how can we derive benefits from the data growth in the cloud?

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