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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Oracle’s Business Intelligence Bombshell

Oracle’s new BI suite has an ambitious new vision: one that places Oracle-the-BI-power prominently in the forefront.

The Information Access Times Are a-Changin’

Information access market braces for change as non-BI vendors increasingly angle to get in on the act.

Cognos Courts SAP

Cognos unveiled an SAP-friendly refresh of its C8 BI suite and announced a new BI search tool. Not bad for a week’s work.

Data Warehouse Appliances: Cost-Effective and Growing

The appliances market is maturing, and as more companies explore this relatively new tool, the storage size of appliance solutions keeps growing.

Business Intelligence Trends: A J2EE Cottage Industry

There’s a thriving market for J2EE-centric reporting tools—a surprising number of which are commercial propositions.

IBM Fleshes Out Data Intelligence, Information Managment, Data Warehouse Portfolios

The revamped DWE 9.1 does little to address Big Blue’s MOLAP value proposition, which has been MIA since last summer.

How Enterprise Search Changes Everything—Especially Expectations

Enterprise search is a market Oracle, Microsoft, and IBM—along with most business intelligence pure plays—can ill afford to ignore.

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