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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

iRise Ships Visualization Content for SAP Solutions

Pre-assembled visualizations speed time to value for critical SAP projects

Attivio Releases Active Intelligence Engine 2.1

Adds SQL, JDBC driver support, key phrase detection, content spotlights

Business User's Power, Influence Over Business Intelligence Decisions Growing

IT must become more responsive to the needs of business users. If it doesn't, it runs the risk of becoming irrelevant.

Operational Data Quality is Within Reach

High-quality operational data is possible.

"Being" Agile vs. "Doing" Agile

Why don't agile development methods when applied to BI always yield success? It comes down to understanding that agile is really about behaviors, attitudes, and values.

Q&A: Agile BI Presents Challenges, Rewards

Faster, more iterative BI projects promising, but take effort.

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