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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Roambi BI: Right Place, Right Time

MeLLmo's Roambi BI platform runs only on Apple's iOS platforms. Is that a risky position or a savvy one?

The BI Revolution: Cloud BI Progress and Pitfalls

With so much written about cloud and BI in the last year, it would seem the intersection of these two hot IT trends must be a winner -- but is it?

How to Sell a Data Quality Project

It’s a tough time to cost-justify BI projects and get buy-in from upper management. Here’s how to get your data quality project approved.

BI Experts: Why Predictive Analytics Will Continue to Grow

What's behind the increasing popularity of data mining, and what is its relationship to predictive analytics?

Are Data Integration Vendors Responding to Pricing Concerns?

Vendors appear to be making an effort to address concerns about how they price their data integration tools. Will their efforts result in meaningful savings?

BI Experts: Big Data Goes Public

Facebook's IPO has drawn attention to the importance of social media data.

New Report Helps Users Get Up to Speed on Hadoop

A new report from TDWI helps users understand the basics of Hadoop and MapReduce.

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