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 See the most recent articles below.

Digital Transformation Investment Will Continue in 2021, Survey Reveals

Transformation and investment remain common goals, but the best way to achieve them highlights diversity of thinking in tech strategies, according to a new report from Software AG.

SAP Announces New Process for Customer Digital Transformation

RISE with SAP is a single offering designed to provide customers a path to becoming “intelligent enterprises,” the announcement states.

Neo4j Releases Aura Enterprise Cloud Graph Database

The new product is designed to be deployed for a variety of use cases to manage and maintain graph-powered applications.

Kyligence Releases Data Cloud Platform for Interactive Analytics

AI-augmented Kyligence Cloud 4 offers a cloud-native distributed OLAP analytics solution to deliver sub-second query response time against petabytes of data.

Narrative’s Universal Onboarding Is Self-Service Solution for Incorporating Offline Customer Data

New application enables timely introduction of new data to the enterprise.

Splice Machine Releases Feature Store for Feature Engineering and Democratized Machine Learning

With a hybrid transaction/analytical processing (HTAP) SQL database, the Feature Store enables ML models to integrate past and present data to improve predictions.

Datatron Releases New Governance Dashboard to Provide Trust, Transparency, Traceability, and Validation of AI/ML Solutions

With new offering, data scientists and analysts can monitor and optimize their AI solutions to produce predictable and reliable business outcomes.

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