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 See the most recent articles below.

The (Steep) SQL Server 2005 Learning Curve

Some customers still haven’t deployed SQL Server 2005 in production environments. Their rationale? There’s a heckuva lot to digest

SWOT: Oracle Acquires Sunopsis

Oracle nabbed yet another player in the business intelligence space. What does that mean for you?

MDM Basics

Master Data Management: Consensus-Driven Data Definitions for Cross-Application Consistency (Report Excerpt)

What are MDM's benefits and the types of solutions available? Why MDM and why is it important now? The answers can be found in this excerpt from the TDWI Report "Master Data Management: Consensus-Driven Data Definitions for Cross-Application Consistency."

Oracle’s Extract Transform and Load Power Grab Reconsidered

Some BI market watchers think the Sunopsis buy could spell the beginning of the end for Oracle’s Warehouse Builder.

Will Oracle Offer Its Own Distribution of Linux?

Everyone’s doing it these days, so will Oracle jump on the Linux bandwagon?

The Software as a Service Paradigm Shift—Did You Catch It?

Software-as-a-Service isn’t just a fad. If market watcher Gartner is to be believed, it’s a full-bore paradigm shift

IBM Touts All in One Information Integration Suite

IBM says its Information Server slices, dices, and delivers data of all kinds, from almost any source, and in almost any conceivable format.

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