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Issues and Techniques in Text Analytics Implementation, Part 1 of 2

How to streamline the information extraction process

Data Warehouse Appliances: Kognitio to Debut in U.S., Netezza to Scale into the Stratosphere

There's plenty of action afoot in the teeming data warehouse appliance market

Major Data Warehousing Events of 2007 and Predictions for 2008

Consolidation wasn't the only trend to stir up BI this year. Michael Schiff takes a look at other key events this year, and explains what we should expect next year.

The Year in Review, The Year Ahead

In 2007, the large, independent, publicly-traded, best-of-breed BI and PM player all but ceased to exist.

Events and Trends: A Conversation About 2007 and 2008

Acquisitions of pure-play BI vendors was the big story, but the meaning will play out in 2008. How will the smaller vendors find a place in the new ecosystem?

eXtensible Business Reporting Language Gaining Ground

The eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) standard is gaining solid support, momentum

Oracle’s Business Intelligence, Performance Management Strategies Come into Focus

Oracle announces BI and performance enhancements and folds Essbase into its BI Foundation—but what about Hyperion’s other BI assets?

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