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Data Integration Specialist Aims to Upset Data Warehouse Status Quo

Very large data warehouse vendor Compact Solutions will soon release an ETL testing and design tool that works across many environments.

Question and Answer: More Changes Ahead in Business Intelligence Landscape

Has the merger mania among data warehousing and business intelligence companies over the past few years strengthened the industry and the products it offers?

IBM Makes Big Analytic Play

Does IBM's new business analytic services offering address a pressing market need or is it a technology and services solution in search of a market?

Taking the Art Out of Scalable, Available Data Warehouse Design

Why does designing a scalable, available, and resilient data warehouse sometimes seem like more art than science?

Case Study: Focus Data Services Ltd. Gains Deeper Access to Telco Data Records

Massive amounts of customer transaction records can hamper the analysis BI tools provide -- unless you manage the data properly.

Blogger's Bits

The “Dirty Work” of Data, Courtesy of The Rolling Stones

Big data is a big deal

Data management ensures the right people get the right data, yet there is so much data we've had to invent the word "infoglut."

Question and Answer: The True Meaning of Software as a Service and Shared Services

How the terms software-as-a-service and shared services are being used, what they really mean, and where the technologies are headed.

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