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 See the most recent articles below.

InetSoft BI Tool Adds Connectors to Google Analytics and AdWords, Microsoft SharePoint

Improves custom dashboard design, adds unique data mash-up options.

IBM Launches New Class of Analytics Software To Improve Decision Making

Analytical Decision Management solution automatically correlates, analyzes big data so enterprises can embed hyper intelligence into every business decision.

Cirro Touts Big Data-Ready Analytic Platform

Don't know how to get started with your big data project? BI start-up Cirro claims to have just what you're looking for.

Q&A: The Biggest Big Data Trends BI Professionals Need to Understand

Big data is changing the competitive dynamics of the BI industry. We explore how everything from sensor data to social media to mobile BI is changing the very nature of big data.

Q&A: Emerging Analytics: Integrating Big Data, Content Analytics, Search, and Collaboration into Your Analytical Environment

What’s driving big data analytics, and how can integrating search help BI professionals better work with the data?

Analysis: Behind QlikTech's Acquisition of Expressor Software

QlikTech says its Expressor acquisition has everything to do with metadata and almost nothing to do with data integration. Industry watchers disagree.

How Data Virtualization Delivers Access to Real-Time Data

With so much data in so many places, how can you quickly connect to the sources you need? Data virtualization may be the answer.

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