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 See the most recent articles below.

A More Agile Approach to Data Quality

Agile and data quality could make for an especially organic fit. After all, DQ already has an agile ace in the hole: the data steward.

Q&A: Extreme Scoping: A Data-Driven Agile Methodology

The traditional Scrum approach is well suited to developers but not enterprise information management professionals. We discuss a new, data-driven agile approach with its creator, Larissa Moss.

Data Scientists Dictate What We Eat

The biggest factor influencing what the average American eats is the margin the grocery store makes on the products it sells -- and behind it all is data science.

MemSQL Helps Enterprises Compare Real-Time Data to Historical Trends

New features enable easy exploration at real-time speeds on large data sets with fast ingestion and analytical query capabilities.

TARGIT Releases New Decision Suite Software

Decision Suite 2013 helps organizations make informed, effective decisions quickly and easily.

Agile DW/BI Testing -- Just Get Started!

When quality and testing is moved up front on a project, everyone enjoys a higher quality project. Here's how your team can be happier with an agile approach to testing, even before implementing key automation tools.

Q&A: Scrum's Role in Agile BI

Scrum is a core part of agile BI. We explore what it is and why it's so important to BI practitioners.

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