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 See the most recent articles below.

Q&A: Aerial Property Analysis Uses BI to Compare Images

A patented technology called Pictometry, coupled with a cloud-based analysis solution, allows the capture and comparison of aerial images of buildings.

A Look into the Future of Analytics

Industry luminaries Claudia Imhoff and Harriet Fryman peer into the future of analytics.

Marketing IT In-House: Good News Is Not Enough

Spreading the good news of BI requires marketing language. Good news by itself is rarely enough to move people to action.

Tableau: On a Mission for Everyone to See and Understand Data

Tableau continues strong momentum in visual data discovery and outlines its themes for its next release.

Operational Intelligence: Checking the Health of Your Data Center

Data is key to your enterprise, so it's important you know everything you can about your data center and monitor your data sources, including machine-generated data.

Q&A: Agile Basics and Best Practices

How can you increase customer satisfaction and deliver project results faster? Laura Everson of Mayo Clinic in Rochester shares agile best practices ahead of her keynote presentation at TDWI's World Conference in San Diego.

Q&A: Lessons Learned from Enterprise Analytics

Three IBM analytics experts examine how IBM has leveraged the technology in enterprises around the world. In this interview, they explore the lessons learned and challenges BI professionals face in their analytics journey.

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