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 See the most recent articles below.

Four Drivers of Data Warehouse Modernization

Most modernization projects boil down to a short list of issues.

Data Digest: Boosting Data Analytics with Secure Data, Best in-Memory Databases, and Building Efficient Teams

Securing data allows data scientists to focus on what they do best, plus choosing the best in-memory database for your environment and building efficient teams.

Progress Launches OpenEdge Analytics360

Solution provides comprehensive, powerful, custom analytics platform.

Data Digest: Predictive Analytics, Data Lakes Future of DW, and Startups and the Coming Data Revolution

Articles today include a look at causations and correlations with predictive analytics, data lakes and the future of data warehouses, and the data revolution being driven by new startups.

Grading BI Vendors

A new research tool could fill a gaping void in the BI-osphere.

Data Digest: Analytics and Cycling, KPIs and Employee Performance, and Putting Data First

Articles around the Web we found interesting include results of an annual data security survey, data analytics and the U.S. women's cycling team, and how using KPIs to boost employee isn't a great idea.

Q&A: Pendulum Swings Back to Emphasis on Governance

Former TDWI director Wayne Eckerson discusses industry trends, including a coming shift that will reassert the importance of data governance.

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