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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Stories: Running Routes, Calorie Counts, Dangerous Exercise

Visualizations help us understand where people choose to run, how foods compare, and where exercise becomes unhealthy.

Survey Says: Data Science Investment Can Pay Off Big Time

Companies that make use of data science are living the high life, reporting more revenue growth, company growth, bottom-line profits, and market-leading performance.

Data Digest: DevOps, Data Swamps, Environmental Work and Big Data

Find out if you need DevOps for big data, how to clean up a data swamp, and how big data helps protect actual wetlands.

FreeSight: The Spreadsheet Reimagined

FreeSight isn't like other spreadsheet-esque offerings. A so-called "governance spreadsheet," it supports repeatability and reuse in a class unto itself.

More Deep Learning Skills Needed

The increasing importance of deep learning could bring about another skills shortage as the desire for practitioners outpaces supply.

Data Digest: Data Science MBAs, Cloud Contracts, Data Management Predictions

More MBA programs offering data science classes, what to watch for in cloud computing contracts, and forecasts for the future of data management.

Styles of Deep Learning: What You Need to Know

Deep learning is an increasingly important part of the AI toolkit, yet it is often misunderstood.

Data Science for Everyone

Statistical models and machine learning algorithms are often mysterious and confusing for average business and data professionals. However, even the most math-adverse can reach some understanding.

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