Data Digest: Big Data as a Service, Predictive Analytics Results Too Good to be True, and Putting Data First

Predictive analytics' future will depend on providing more accurate and realistic results. Plus how to dramatically improve your data warehouse and the rise of big-data-as-a-service.

Heading into the Future with Big-Data-as-a-Service
(Source: Smart Data Collective)

Big-data-as-a-service is poised to do everything all the other x-as-a-service solutions do in one package. Outsourcing big data to the cloud is growing more important as enterprises realize its potential in data analytics. Here is what you need to know about the growing industry.


Predictive Analytic Results Usually “Too Good to be True”
(Source: The Predictive Analytics Times)

Predictive analytics is an important tool for an enterprise to have, but sometimes the results are unbelievably good. Unfortunately, they end up being misleading or even completely wrong, at worst. Future use of predictive analytics will depend on providing more accurate, realistic numbers.


Putting Data First Dramatically Improves Data Warehousing
(Source: Information Management)

Data warehouses are great at storing data, keeping it all linked together, and protecting that data, but they fail to deliver the data with any speed. This has led to a lot of frustration with the technology as other services spring up to take their place. However, the data warehouse is not dead yet and could be the best solution to its own problem if companies switch to a data-first strategy with data warehousing.

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Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at


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