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Top 10 Considerations in Selecting a Real-Time Streaming Analytics Platform

February 1, 2016

Globally, organizations today are endeavoring to manage the voluminous influx of data pouring in from several sources and repositories. The emergence of the Internet of Things has also changed the way we look at information: the world is now a connected and interlinked network, vibrant with potential.

However, this giant data reservoir at your disposal is only the first step of the puzzle. The more formidable challenge is the management of this data and the development of a robust pipeline streamlining the cleansing, sorting, clarification, and interpretation of all the available material.

Businesses must imbibe disruptive technologies into the larger operational game plan and initiate an effective tech-overhaul blueprint. Big data is spearheading this digital revolution, allowing companies to rationalize their data management pathways. Enterprises now possess data and analytics strategies that extend beyond the realms of mere batch processing.

An integral component of the big data architecture stack is a real-time streaming analytics (RTSA) engine or platform—a game-changing toolbox engineered for smart data management. An effective RTSA solution can ingest, connect, and examine multiple streams of data in diverse formats to provide valuable business insights. Among RTSA platforms, StreamAnalytix, a newly launched product of Impetus Technologies, combines enterprise class with open source. It has received strong validation from early users, leading analysts, and other industry experts. This guide has been created to help you determine the key factors for consideration before selecting an RTSA.

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