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Cloud Data Warehouses: Are They Right for Your Organization?

Webinar Speaker: Fern Halper, TDWI VP Research, Senior Research Director for Advanced Analytics

Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019

Time: 10:00 a.m. GMT, 11:00 a.m. CET

Webinar Abstract

Organizations are frequently looking to manage and analyze disparate data types from a wide range of on-premises and cloud data sources such as transactional databases, ERP systems, and Web logs. This data is both structured and unstructured in format. However, these organizations often struggle to harness all this data in a variety of on-premises, siloed data stores, including data warehouses, data marts, and data lakes.

TDWI sees a growing number of organizations moving to cloud-based data warehouses to simplify their data infrastructure and store this data in a single location to perform analytics. There are numerous reasons for this, including the fact that the cloud provides scalability, elasticity, and faster time-to-value, which can be important for data management and analytics initiatives.

Join this TDWI webinar to learn more about whether the cloud is right for your organization. You will learn about:

  • The state of on-premises versus cloud data warehousing and analytics
  • Use cases for cloud data warehouses and analytics—where and how it makes sense to use the cloud
  • Challenges and best practices for moving to the cloud
  • A demonstration of a cloud-based data warehouse and analytics solution

Fern Halper, Ph.D.

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