Data Story Telling and Industry Trends

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Dear TDWI St. Louis Data and Analytics Professionals,

We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI St. Louis meeting on Dec 8, 2017. Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.


December 8, 2017 8:00 - 12:00



The BJC Learning Center
8300 Eager Rd
Brentwood, MO 63144


Data Story Telling and
2017 BI/Analytics Trends

Click here to register for the next upcoming event


8:00 – 8:20

Networking and Registration

8:20 – 8:35

Introductions and Chapter Business

8:35 – 10:00

Presentation: Data Story Telling, Discovering and Applying Genres for Data
 Ted Cuzzillo
Story consultant / Content provider / Journalist


Data and business are natural friends. They seem to bind more closely together every year. With improving analysis skills and tools, the two have become inseparable. Yet many business people still feel something missing.
For many audiences, data cannot speak for itself. It requires help from the most ancient of techniques: storytelling. Storytelling has transmitted knowledge and motivated action in every medium we’ve ever known. Stories around a fire, stone tablets, Gutenberg’s books, news, and e-books have all made use of stories. Data is a natural.
With stories as the vehicle and data as the payload, data can go far. Ted Cuzzillo (@datadoodle), longtime storyteller in the data industry, tells how. He will describe his six genres of data stories — the popular genre and the other five — and explain how to use them and for what occasions.

10:00 – 10:15

Break and Networking

10:15 – 11:45

Presentation: Trends in 2017 in BI and Analytics
 Dr. Rado Kotorov
Chief Innovation Officer at Information Builders


Industry 4.0, the current stage of digital evolution, is driving the latest business trends and reshaping enterprise practices as digitizing end-to-end processes becomes a necessity for growth. More than 70 percent of enterprises have embarked on a digital transformation, and are now seeing that building an analytics culture is the key to success in a data-driven, organization-wide digital ecosystem.


Wrap up and Give-Aways

Click here to register for the next upcoming event


Space is limited so sign up early!

For more information about TDWI Membership, contact [email protected].
To contact a Chapter officer, click on name of the officer located on the top right hand column of this page.

Bios of Presenters

Ted Cuzzillo
Ted is a longtime storyteller in the data industry. As “Editor In Chief” of Datadoodle Ted has the data industry as his focus. His attitude is often lighthearted, often serious, and sometimes a mix. He has won the loyal readership of many readers. Datadoodle often gives early signals of looming trends.
Prior to Datadoodle Ted spent 18 year providing thought leadership and training as President of the Cuzzillo Group in the tech industry. Now focused on the data industry and in particular on smart cities, data storytelling, and self-service business intelligence. Current and past clients include Qlik, Tibco Spotfire, Tableau, TDWI Research, TDWI, DataSelf Treasure Data, and Paxata.
Dr. Rado Kotorov

Dr. Kotorov is global vice president and chief innovation officer for Information Builders and works both with the WebFOCUS and the iWay product divisions to provide thought leadership, analyze market and technology trends, aid in the development of innovative product road-maps, and create rich programs to drive the adoption of business intelligence (BI), analytics, data integrity, and integration technologies. Prior to his current role, Dr. Kotorov was executive director of Strategic Product Management and Competitive Strategy. Active Technologies, InfoAssist, Magnify, RStat, Enable, Mobile Favorites, and the BI Portal are just a few of the products that have been developed and launched by his team.

Dr. Rado Kotorov has a Ph.D. in Decision and Game Theory, and institutional economics from Bowling Green State University. He has also published various papers and articles on business processes, emerging technologies, intellectual property rights, CRM, KM, innovation, and entrepreneurship

 Upcoming Meetings


March 2018 – TDWI Chapter Meeting
June 2018 – TDWI Chapter Meeting
August 13-15 TDWI St. Louis Seminar Series
Data Management Essentials:
Data Quality and Data Governance 


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