The Best of Upside’s Data Digest
Articles explore big data compliance issues, data hoarding, public cloud threats, machine learning and text analytics, and open source security.
- By Quint Turner
- January 6, 2017
Dodging Big Data Compliance Issues
(Source: Techrepublic)
The complexity of big data and data regulation has made staying compliant extremely difficult, and it's only getting worse. How can your enterprise stay on the straight and narrow with regards to compliance?
The Problems with Data Hoarding
(Source: Information Age)
Cheap storage and easy data creation have combined to create a systemic issue: data hoarding. Simply put, too much worthless data is being kept. How can your enterprise identify what stored data has value and what ought to be let go?
The 12 Threats in the Public Cloud
(Source: Dbta)
The public cloud has a long list of benefits, but a long list of security hassles as well. Knowing them is crucial to staying secure.
Combine Text Analytics and Machine Learning
(Source: Datanami)
Machine learning is part of the future of analytics. Combining it with text analytics may be the boost your enterprise is looking for.
Coming Back After a Data Attack
(Source: Business 2 Community)
Even the best security systems in the world cannot stop every attack. Sooner or later, your enterprise is likely to be hit. An effective post-attack plan can mitigate the impact.
The Next Year in Open Source Security
(Source: IT Pro Portal)
The convenience of open source has made it ubiquitous. Your enterprise is likely among the 95 percent using open source in some capacity. Knowing what the future holds for open source will help you secure your enterprise.
About the Author
Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at