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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Best of Upside’s Data Digest

Articles explore data storytelling myths, understanding data scientists, and data visualization’s history, plus a data visualization tutorial.

Busting Data Storytelling Myths
(Source: Forbes)

Preconceptions about data storytelling can make it difficult to become a great data storyteller. This article examines six widely-held beliefs about the process and explains how these ideas are hindering your data storytelling capability.

A Data Visualization Tutorial
(Source: Marketing Land)

The author of this tutorial on data visualizations is coming from a marketing perspective, but the advice given is useful for anyone attempting to create an effective visualization.

Understanding Data Scientists from their Perspective

Before you hire someone to do the hottest job of 2016, it would be prudent to read what sort of skills newly trained data scientists are recommended to have. This article is a comprehensive guide to common skills and tasks for data scientists.

Meet the Data Whisperer
(Source: Datanami)

The data scientist may be 2016's hottest job, but 2017's might be the data whisperer. This article explains this new position, which is mostly concerned with translating data analysis through business and human context.

Biggest Problems Leaders Have with Big Data
(Source: Harvard Business Review)

Many enterprises have amassed large amounts of data, but this article claims that actionable insight is often missed because of managers' misunderstandings. The article reviews four common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Data Visualization's History

Although the amount of data we live with today is higher than ever before, data visualizations and infographics have been around for a long time. This article explores the history of data visualizations.

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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