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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

Octopai Whitepaper cover image

Metadata Management as a Strategic Imperative

January 1, 2018

The data management landscape is highly complex, with Big Data and NoSQL technologies creating a variety of languages and skills that most organizations do not have internally. Metadata management has strategic, efficiency, financial, and regulatory implications that must be addressed to break data value bottlenecks.

OpenText AI white paper cover image

The DZone Guide to Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics

January 1, 2018

In the past few years, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies have both become more prevalent and feasible than ever before. Discover how developers are approaching these new tools and ideas and why they are interested.

OpenText  Magellan White Paper cover image

Solving the Unstructured Data Puzzle with AI-Powered Analytics

January 1, 2018

All kinds of valuable patterns and insights are contained in textual content, such as emails, memos, customer service chats, social media streams, and news articles. The problem is extracting the value.

OpenText  Magellan White Paper cover image

Cognitive Computing Reshapes Enterprise Decision-Making

January 1, 2018

In this paper, we outline some basic concepts of cognitive computing and explain how we are using it in OpenText Magellan, an artificial intelligence-powered analytics and business intelligence platform.

Why Firms Struggle to Analyze More Data

January 1, 2018

Today, data is the lifeblood of every enterprise. In order to succeed in this customer-centric era, data insights must inform every function of the business, including customer experience, operations, marketing, sales, service, and finance. This white paper describes how organizations that understand how data is used can prioritize their analytics efforts to find the most valuable and actionable insights on a regular basis.

Anritsu Achieves 351% ROI and $3+ Million in Annual Benefits with Data Analytics Upgrade

January 1, 2018

Learn how this global developer of telecommunications electronics equipment is using big data analytics to deliver advanced predictive network analytics for Telecom Service Providers, enabling them to improve customer experience and optimize service performance for subscribers.

Microfocus Suunto White paper cover image

Suunto Enriches Extreme-Sport Experience With IoT Wearable Analytics on Vertica

January 1, 2018

Download this case study and learn how Suunto, an extreme-sport watch manufacturer, is analyzing massive data volumes generated by millions of weekly customer training sessions rapidly and reliably.

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