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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

The Mobile First Approach to Business Intelligence

January 1, 2016

In this white paper, we’ll provide insight that will help organizations apply the "mobile first" strategy to their business intelligence (BI) implementations. Learn about key considerations for creating reporting and analysis environments for mobile devices, such as small screen sizes, device and delivery preferences, and varying connectivity and bandwidth constraints. We’ll also introduce "InfoApps," which are intuitive, visually compelling, and easy-to-use apps that allow mobile users to immediately discover the answers to numerous mission-critical business questions.

Breaking Big: When Big Data Goes Bad

January 1, 2016

Sometimes, big data can go bad. In this white paper, we discuss why big data environments are at a greater risk for data quality problems. We’ll also highlight the importance of implementing effective and broad-reaching data quality management in big data scenarios, and share solutions and best practices for doing so.

Implementing a Data Integration Strategy for Legacy Modernization

January 1, 2016

Federal agencies must enhance productivity and cost efficiency while boosting transparency, accountability, and performance. This paper lays out key data integration requirements needed to enable successful legacy modernization while lowering operational costs and risk. It also provides a summary of some integration solutions deployed within the federal government and the benefits derived.

Eight Styles of Data Integration

January 1, 2016

There are many ways to integrate and access vital data. This paper highlights eight proven integration strategies and uses real-world examples to demonstrate the high-value, high-return data access options that are currently available. It explores data warehouses, as well as other methods for making relevant, timely information available to your business users, systems, and processes.

Analytical Evangelists: Preaching the Gospel of Data-Driven Insight

January 1, 2016

Discover how analytical evangelists build progressive, adaptable organizations and drive collaboration across all levels and functions of business.

9 Reasons to Partner with Information Builders

January 1, 2016

This paper outlines the nine critical technology capabilities for a game-changing business intelligence (BI) application: SaaS, extensibility, social analytics, location intelligence, predictive analytics, performance management, data quality and master data management, data integration, and big data. Information Builders establishes impactful relationships with leading organizations to help customers differentiate themselves using these capabilities.

Embedding Business Analytics to Improve Your Application's Value Proposition

January 1, 2016

Interest in transforming data from business applications into actionable information has created a resounding explosion in offerings for business analytics. The amount of data generated and captured across multiple sources can be overwhelming. New analytical capabilities capitalize on your big data as well as data stemming from a wide array of applications, including sales, inventory, marketing, loyalty, Web, finance, mobile, sensors, and other systems. Incorporating market-leading analytics into your application helps you improve your value proposition and drive new revenue while letting your development staff focus on your core functionality.

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