Practical Strategies for Data Governance Deployment
Webinar Speaker: Evan Levy, TDWI Research Fellow
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m. PT / 12:00 p.m. ET
In an increasingly complex data and analytics landscape, data governance has become more critical than ever. Yet while data and analytics have become as essential to business as paper, pens, shared calendars, and email, navigating the rules for data and analytics remains a challenge. For instance, key data governance concepts including privacy, data acceptance, and consent are not intuitive, but they are critical data governance details in the world of analytics, AI, and decision-making.
Join TDWI research fellow Evan Levy along with experts from Informatica and Oracle to discuss how using integrated data governance platforms and AI to enhance data governance can streamline and simplify data governance deployment. Learn how leading companies have expanded data governance from back-office processing to benefit data-driven analysis, decision-making, and actions.
Topics include:
- The most common data obstacles for analytics
- Emerging trends for data governance in the analytics workplace
- How Informatica and Oracle have addressed these obstacles
Date: March 26, 2025
Time: 9:00 am PT
Evan Levy