Available On-Demand - This webinar has been recorded and is now available for download.

Modernizing the Data Warehouse to Maximize the Power of Business Analytics

TDWI Speaker: Colin White, President and Founder of BI Research

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Time: 9:00 a.m. PT, 12:00 p.m. ET

Webinar Abstract

The field of business analytics is changing rapidly as more organizations seek to leverage analytics to operate more efficiently and effectively. New and evolving business analytics solutions enable companies not only to enhance the value of their current data assets, but also to exploit new data originating from websites, social media, hardware sensors, and public and commercial data providers. Taking full advantage of these analytics solutions, however, requires modernizing and extending the existing data warehouse environment to deal with the increased data volumes, higher performance requirements, and the many new types of data. This Webinar looks at the business benefits, IT cost savings, and technical approaches to modernizing the data warehouse.

Topics covered will include:

  • The changing world of business analytics
  • The business and IT benefits of modernizing the data warehouse
  • Techniques and technologies for modernizing the data warehouse:
    • A data refinery for pre-processing and blending data
    • A data exploration and discovery platform for investigative computing
    • Data warehouse offloading and online archiving

Colin White

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