TDWI Best Practices Reports

TDWI’s Best Practices Reports are designed to educate technical and business professionals about new business intelligence technologies, concepts, or approaches that address a significant problem or issue. Research for the Best Practices Reports is conducted via interviews with industry experts and leading-edge user companies, and is supplemented by a survey of business intelligence professionals.

best practices report

TDWI Best Practices Report | Data Management for Advanced Analytics

May 29, 2020

This TDWI Best Practices Report explores data management strategies and best practices, then links combinations of these to the leading forms of advanced analytics to help data management and advanced analytics professionals and their business counterparts achieve greater success and business impact.

BPR Faster Insights from Faster Data

Best Practices Report | Faster Insights from Faster Data

December 20, 2019

This TDWI Best Practices Report examines where organizations are facing barriers to getting relevant data into the right condition for analytics, for developing artificial intelligence (AI) programs, and for delivery to users who need insights in time to solve business problems.

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Best Practices Report | Driving Digital Transformation Using AI and Machine Learning

September 25, 2019

This TDWI Best Practices Report examines how organizations using AI are making it work. It looks at how those exploring the technology are planning to implement it. Finally, it offers recommendations and best practices for successfully implementing AI in organizations.

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Best Practices Report | Cloud Data Management

May 24, 2019

This report explains in detail what cloud data management (CDM) is and does so data professionals and their business counterparts can understand what CDM can do for them and how they might organize a successful program.

Best Practices Report

Best Practices Report | BI and Analytics in the Age of AI and Big Data

December 21, 2018

This TDWI Best Practices Report focuses on the emerging world of BI and analytics in the age of AI and big data. The research explores organizations’ satisfaction with current technologies and the issues driving interest in newer solutions that enable organizations to exploit advances in AI and big data.

TDWI Best Practices Report

Best Practices Report | Multiplatform Data Architectures

September 28, 2018

To capture distributed enterprise data, big data, and other new data assets—plus leverage them fully for business advantage—user organizations are expanding and integrating their portfolios of data platforms and tools to create what TDWI calls multiplatform data architectures (MDAs). Download this report to learn what MDAs are and do.

Best Practices Report | Practical Predictive Analytics

May 29, 2018

TDWI research indicates that it is in the early mainstream stage of adoption. Yet, even as organizations continue to adopt predictive analytics, many are struggling to make it stick. The purpose of this report is to explore concrete best practices for building and deploying predictive models in organizations.

4th Quarter Best Practices Report Cover Image

Best Practices Report | What It Takes to Be Data Driven: Technologies and Best Practices for Becoming a Smarter Organization

December 22, 2017

This TDWI Best Practices Report examines how organizations become data-driven, including patterns for building out infrastructure for managing data and driving analytics. It also examines the best practices of those organizations that are data-driven across three areas we believe are important: technology, analytics, and organization.

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Best Practices Report | Advanced Analytics: Moving Toward AI, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing

September 28, 2017

This TDWI Best Practices Report explores the new opportunities for AI, machine learning, and natural language processing presented by innovations in computing power and algorithmic efficiency.

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