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Research Reports

Pulse Report cover

TDWI Pulse Report | Faster Insights for All: Empowering Citizen Data Professionals to Make Powerful Business Decisions

May 5, 2020

This TDWI Pulse Report examines the rise of “citizen data professionals” and recommendations for supporting them.

Checklist cover

TDWI Checklist Report | Five Strategies for Creating a Culture of Self-Service for Analytics and Business Intelligence

April 28, 2020

This Checklist Report focuses on helping organizations understand and employ organizational and technology best practices for fostering a self-service analytics and BI culture.

2020 Salary Report Cover Image

2020 TDWI Salary, Roles, and Responsibilities Report
TDWI Member Exclusive

February 28, 2020

  Average salaries for full-time DM/A employees and contractors rose by 11.1 percent from 2018 to 2019. Read more in the 2020 TDWI Salary, Roles, and Responsibilities Report.

Equalum checklist cover image

TDWI Checklist Report | Solving Modern Data Integration Challenges with an Enterprise Integration Fabric

December 20, 2019

This checklist explores ideas for determining where traditional approaches to data integration are impeding modern analytics and will guide the reader in ways to modernize.

Pulse Report

TDWI Pulse Report | Achieving Business ROI with Cloud Data Warehousing and Analytics

December 20, 2019

This TDWI Pulse Report examines five areas that organizations need to address to ensure business value and ROI as they increase the role of the cloud in data life cycles.

BPR Faster Insights from Faster Data

Best Practices Report | Faster Insights from Faster Data

December 20, 2019

This TDWI Best Practices Report examines where organizations are facing barriers to getting relevant data into the right condition for analytics, for developing artificial intelligence (AI) programs, and for delivery to users who need insights in time to solve business problems.

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TDWI Checklist Report | Data Management Requirements for Data Science, ML, and AI

December 13, 2019

This TDWI Checklist report drills into the business and technical requirements for preparing data for machine learning and related practices in artificial intelligence and predictive analytics.

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