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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Staffing, Roles, and Careers

Data Digest: Data for Decision-Making, Data Leadership, Data Science Teams

The importance of predictive analytics for good decisions, how leaders should embrace data, and hiring a strong data science team.

Data Digest: Getting Started as a Data Scientist

An introductory guide, industries that are hiring data scientists, and advice for data science interviews.

How AI and the Metaverse Came Together to Create Something Amazing

The metaverse looks to be an amazing tool, especially now that we are blending in AI. It may create a world where working from home is as good as -- or better -- for employee interaction and career advancement.

Data Digest: The Business Value of Data

How CDOs can increase business value, how AI is changing industry, and how data scientists can improve their impact on their enterprises.

Executive Q&A: Developing Data-Focused Professionals

Employers continue to face challenges finding and hiring the talent they need. Amarda Shehu, Professor of Computer Science, Associate Dean for AI Innovation, and AVPR of the Institute for Digital Innovation at George Mason University offers insights about developing that talent, especially the role higher education and government can play.

The Top-Down Approach to AI: A Mandate for Today’s CEOs

Artificial intelligence is a fast-changing technology, and CEOs must do more than just be aware of it. As a CEO, it’s up to you to lead the charge into the AI-enabled future for your enterprise.

The AI Problem We’re Not Taking Seriously Enough

The key to employee acceptance of AI is an aggressive management commitment to focus on using AI to enhance -- not replace -- a user’s job. Also key: loud and clear communication of that goal.

Data Digest: Hiring Trends, Switching Tracks, Specialization

News about hiring for tech jobs, guidance for job-seeking Ph.D. grads, and advice for improving your data science career.

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