Do you need to model data in today's nonrelational, NoSQL world? In fact, data modeling might be more important than ever.
- By Steve Swoyer
- March 22, 2017
Companies with customers, supply chains, partners, and offices in multiple countries must understand how cross-border data restrictions affect cloud computing policy.
- By William McKnight
- March 17, 2017
Are graph databases the end-all, be-all for master data management?
- By Ben Rund
- March 14, 2017
The logical data warehouse is not a replacement for a traditional data warehouse; it's an extension.
- By Barry Devlin
- March 9, 2017
Experienced data management professionals are adopting Hadoop, and they want to use their SQL skills and tools with Hadoop data.
- By Philip Russom
- March 6, 2017
Data originating on cloud or migrating to cloud demands best practices just as other valuable data assets do.
- By Philip Russom
- March 6, 2017
Although we may be subject to intense pressure to meet implementation targets, we should make every effort to avoid treating our user community as beta testers or supplying users with inaccurate program prompts or user documentation.
- By Mike Schiff
- February 15, 2017
Infrastructure speed has reached a plateau. Today's enterprises should be seeking out predictive, automated solutions to improve their enterprise infrastructure.
- By Rod Bagg
- February 9, 2017